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Committee Positions 2021-22

Hello everyone, Happy Easter!! To anyone thinking of joining a society next year we would really recommend HOMED! There are a wide range of roles from coordinating volunteers and getting stuck in on visits, to organizing events and working with local and national charities! This year our existing president Jake, our secretary Jess and the rest of the committee have worked incredibly hard to set up a mountain of opportunities for next year so hopefully it will be our biggest year yet!

Furthermore, you do not need to worry if you have never been on the committee before, or never even been to a HOMED event! We invite everyone to apply and welcome new comers with open arms.

The following are the available positions on the committee next term:

President (X2) –

The leader of the society. The President is responsible for organising and leading committee meetings and ensuring that the society is running smoothly. The President will often answer emails from volunteers and liaise with LUU staff about events, opportunities and ensuring that committee documents are up to date. The President is also likely to be the face of the society at events, and may be in regular contact with other society presidents to collaborate on events. We would ideally like to have two presidents this year so the workload can be split evenly.

Secretary –

A senior committee member who assists the President/s with answering queries from members, LUU staff and members of the public. The secretary must be an organised person who will be able to record minutes of committee meetings, organise the society diary and work closely with other senior committee members such as the president, treasurer and events coordinator to ensure that each of HOMED’s initiatives runs smoothly. The secretary is also in charge of our website, including tracking sandwich run/hostel visit volunteers and communicating this information to sandwich run coordinators/hostel coordinators.

Treasurer –

The treasurer is in charge of the society’s finances. We are looking for a candidate who is good with numbers, and will be able to regularly update the committee on the society’s financial position at committee meetings. The treasurer will communicate regularly with LUU staff and members in order to secure grants for the society and ensure that members refund requests are processed when they spend money on behalf of the society.

Communications Officer –

A brand new role for this year! We want someone who is creative and media savvy, who can keep track of our social media and email accounts and advertise our events in a fun and engaging way.

Events Coordinator –

The events coordinator is responsible for planning events throughout the year in order to raise awareness about homelessness and fund-raise for the society. Ideally this will someone who is organised and is able to confidently communicate both in person and in writing with local businesses and other society committees.

Hostel Coordinator (X2) –

The first role of our hostel coordinators will be to arrange hostel visits with our current hostel partners for the upcoming academic year. Hostel Coordinators will also be responsible for finding new hostels in the Leeds area that our volunteers can visit. Once hostel visits are up and running (we think a likely timetable for this is September) hostel coordinators will appoint sub-coordinators who will help them run hostel visits. They will be in charge of staying in touch with hostels and ensuring that volunteers who sign up for hostel visits are made aware of the conduct that is expected of them during hostel visits, and will communicate any problems to senior committee members.

Sandwich Run Coordinator (X2) –

Sandwich Run coordinators have a similar to role to hostel coordinators but are in charge of sandwich runs. They will lead a team of sub-coordinators, creating a rota to ensure that each sandwich run is staffed, and ensuring that each week the cages (our storage space in the union) is stocked with essential items for us to donate to rough sleeps during sandwich runs. Like Hostel Coordinators, sandwich run coordinators will report any issues on sandwich runs to senior committee members.

Help in Handbags Coordinator (X2) –

Our Help in Handbags coordinators run our sanitary products donation scheme, working with a team of sub-coordinators to ensure that women’s sanitary products are delivered to local hostels. The Help in Handbags team will raise awareness about women’s issues in relation to homelessness and rough sleeping, and will be in charge of updating the Help in Handbags with social media pages. We are ideally looking for two individuals who are passionate about promoting women’s issues and are willing to engage with our events coordinator and other societies to run events to promote awareness about issues such as period poverty.

Thank you for reading and make sure to follow us on facebook or sign up to our mailing list to get further updates on the AGM etc xoxo



HOMED is a charity run by students @LeedsUniUnion to promote understanding of and encourage engagement with issues relating to homelessness in Leeds.

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