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October Update and upcoming Pub Quiz!

Where has the time gone? It's already November and time for us to update you all on what we've been up to this past month!

Keep reading to also find out what we've got coming up. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom to hear about our super exciting Pub Quiz next week!

New Coordinators!

We were blown away by the number of coordinator applications we received! We now have a wider committee made up of over 30 dedicated students who have already been out and about running our projects. If you are one of them - thank you, we couldn't do this without you!

Want to get involved?

We have started taking volunteers on our sandwich runs and hostel visits. Sign-ups are available from around 5pm on Fridays for the following week's projects. You can sign up through the 'Events' section of the website.

Training is necessary for hostel visits (this can be done online) but not for sandwich runs.

Hostel Training and GIAG Success!

Our hostel training/World Homeless Day event at the start of the month was a massive success with over 70 attendees! Thank you to everyone who came along, we hope you found it informative and encouraged you to come along to our projects.

Our GIAG Sandwich Run was also held a couple of weeks ago. We distributed sandwiches, hot chocolate, gloves, socks, and other essentials around the city centre.

PUB QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, we have our annual Welcome Back Pub Quiz coming up next week! Come down to Royal Park Pub at 7:30pm on Thursday 7 November for a super fun evening of quizzing! We ask for a minimum £1 donation, and all proceeds will go towards funding our projects.

Thanks to our friends at Fresh2Death we also have some AMAZING prizes on offer:

First Prize: 5x fresh2death committee black cards - these get you free entry to all F2D events (valid until June 2020) including Bobby’s disco, Go Nuts at Donuts, Mixtape Project and Sticky Feet!

Runner up prize: 5x Free paper tickets to Go Nuts at Donuts for the night of the quiz, and a £20 bar tab!

We will also be selling some Donuts tickets if anyone wants to join us for a boogie after the quiz! Paper tickets cost £4, with £1 going to Homed.

That's all for now! If you have any questions feel free to send us a message either on social media or by email.

See you all on our projects and of course at the Pub Quiz!


HOMED is a charity run by students @LeedsUniUnion to promote understanding of and encourage engagement with issues relating to homelessness in Leeds.

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